If you are not able to find details for tests and services on our website, please contact us on 020 7589 8263. We continue to develop a wide range of tests and patient services, and our aim is to offer commitment to customer service.
General Health | More Info | ||
Liver Function
Kidney Function
Muscle & Bone
Vitamin Profile | More Info | ||
Full Thyroid Profile | More Info | ||
Tiredness / Fatigue | More Info | ||
Iron Studies
Thyroid Function
Blood Cells
Well Man | More Info | ||
Liver Function
Kidney Function
Iron Studies
Muscle & Bone
Thyroid Function
Blood Cells
Well Woman | More Info | ||
Liver Function
Kidney Function
Iron Studies
Muscle & Bone
Thyroid Function
Blood Cells
Thyroid Diagnosis and Monitoring | More Info | ||
Thyroid Function
This Thyroid Function Profile checks the general function of your thyroid gland. It tests for the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4 (thyroxine). It will give you a very good indication of whether your thyroid is functioning normally or not, which can lead to tiredness, mood problems and weight issues. |
Diabetes Diagnosis and Monitoring | More Info | ||
A high HbA1c is used to diagnose diabetes. It is particularly useful because it gives an indication of how often you have had abnormally high blood glucose levels over the previous 3 months – rather than a glucose test which only shows your level at a single point in time. It is a potentially life-saving test and it is quite common for people to have diabetes and not know about it. Unmanaged or undiagnosed diabetes is one of the leading causes of mortality. |
Cholesterol Test | More Info | ||
This test can indicate your risk of developing cardiovascular problems. High cholesterol levels can cause your arteries to become blocked - leading to coronary heart disease, heart attack or a stroke. Finding out about high levels of cholesterol can help you to make the positive lifestyle and dietary changes needed to improve your chances of a long and healthy life.
Testosterone Check | More Info | ||
Checks your level of the hormone Testosterone. Testosterone is the main sex hormone in males. The high levels of testosterone that men have compared to women are responsible for the development of virtually all the physical differences between the sexes. In adult males it controls sex drive, maintains muscle mass and helps make sperm. Understanding your testosterone level may help if you are experiencing low sex drive, infertility, erectile dysfunction and more. Testosterone levels should also be checked regularly by anyone using testosterone supplements for any reason. |
Pregnancy Test | More Info | ||
Checks whether you are pregnant or not. Blood tests can detect pregnancy hormones at lower levels than a urine test so this test can help you confirm your pregnancy at the earliest possible date. This test looks for the presence of the pregnancy hormone beta-HCG. It also checks the quantitative levels of this hormone in your blood which can sometimes be used to determine what stage your pregnancy is at. |
Progesterone Day 21 Ovulation | More Info | ||
Checks your progesterone levels which can confirm whether you have ovulated or not. It needs to be taken about 21 days into your cycle. Analysis of progesterone levels show a large spike in the latter half of your cycle if successful ovulation has occurred. |
Calcium | More Info | ||
Calcium is an important mineral which is found in the bones as well as circulating in the blood. It has a range of functions and is essential in bone formation and blood clotting. In the blood, calcium can either be free and active or it can be bound to proteins like albumin. Calcium tests are used to diagnose and monitor different conditions that can affect bone, heart and kidneys. |
C-Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity) | More Info | ||
Inflammation is a process by which your body’s white blood cells protect you from infection by bacteria and viruses. Checking for inflammation can help identify a wide range of conditions. hsCRP is a test which measures a protein which increases in the blood during inflammation. hsCRP tests are also used predict the risk of heart conditions such as a heart attack. |
Ferritin | More Info | ||
Ferritin is a blood protein that is used to store iron. Iron is used for the transportation of oxygen in the blood. It is measured to understand how much iron the body stores. Ferritin tests are used to diagnose anaemia and liver disease. |
Folate (Vitamin B9) | More Info | ||
Folate is a vitamin which is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, tissue and cellular repairs and is important during pregnancy. It can be found in leafy green vegetables, yeast and citrus fruits. Folate tests are used to help diagnose the cause of anaemia. |
Follicular Stimulating Hormone | More Info | ||
FSH a reproductive hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. FSH stimulates the growth and development of unfertilised eggs during the menstrual cycle in women and initiates the production of sex hormones such as oestradiol and progesterone. FSH is also used to stimulate the production of sperm in men. The FSH hormone is often tested with other sex hormones such as LH, testosterone, oestradiol and progesterone for diagnosing infertility and pituitary gland disorders in men and women. |
Full Blood Count | More Info | ||
A FBC provides information about the different cells in the blood, these include the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin which carries oxygen to the different tissues in the body whereas white blood cells control the immune system and protects the body from foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. FBC testing is used as a screening test for various disorders like anaemia and infections. |
Kidney Function | More Info | ||
Your kidneys play a vital role in keeping your body functioning including the removal of waste products, releasing hormones to regulate blood pressure and controlling the production of red blood cells. A healthy kidney function is vital to your overall health and wellbeing.
Liver Function | More Info | ||
The liver is responsible for many of the bodies essential functions such as regulating blood sugar levels, fighting infections and detoxifying your blood. Good liver function is vital to your overall health and wellbeing.
Luteinising Hormone | More Info | ||
LH is a reproductive hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. This hormone is used to regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation by stimulating the ovaries to produce other reproductive hormones in females whereas in men, LH stimulates and controls testosterone. The LH test is used to determine any reproductive problems. |
Magnesium | More Info | ||
Magnesium is a mineral found mainly in the bone, but it can also be seen in the blood. It is used for energy production, muscle contraction and for maintaining strong bones. The body regulates the magnesium levels by regulating the amount being absorbed from the intestines and the amount being excreted in the urine. Magnesium tests are used to investigate the severity of kidney problems as well as diagnosing and monitoring gastrointestinal disorders. |
Oestradiol (E2) | More Info | ||
Oestradiol is a form of oestrogen and the main female hormone produced by non-pregnant women. The hormone has an important role in the development of female physical features and reproductive functions. Oestradiol tests are used for the evaluation of ovarian function. It can also be used to diagnose the cause of early and delayed puberty in girls as well as used to monitor hormone replacement therapy in women during after menopause. |
Prolactin | More Info | ||
Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. The main role of prolactin is to promote lactation (breast milk production) in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. A prolactin test is used to diagnose infertility in both men and women as well as menstrual problems and erectile dysfunction. |
Syphilis (IgG/IgM) | More Info | ||
Syphilis IgM/IgG are produced by the immune system during and after exposure to syphilis. IgM are antibodies that are the first form of response to syphilis are used to indicate current infection. IgG are antibodies that are produced after exposure to syphilis are used as an indicator of long-term immunity that the body creates. |
Iron Status | More Info | ||
This profile checks levels of iron. Low iron can cause anaemia, a common issue causing a list of problems starting with fatigue, weakness and coldness which can then progress to more serious conditions. We also test for how well the body can absorb iron which may be reduced in conditions affecting the liver.
Testosterone Plus | More Info | ||
Understanding your testosterone levels may help if you are experiencing low sex drive, infertility, erectile dysfunction and more. Testosterone levels should also be checked regularly by anyone using testosterone supplements for any reason. This is the enhanced testosterone test which includes albumin, sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and a free testosterone calculation will give you a very good indication of the levels of testosterone in your body. Hormones
Prostate | More Info | ||
This profile checks the levels of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). A high PSA can indicate problems with the prostate gland. Hormones
Premier Health Profile | More Info | ||
Comprehensive check of your liver & kidney function, your muscle & bone health, gout, iron levels, diabetes (HbA1c), your full cholesterol profile and full blood count. It provides an excellent baseline health check. It helps you to proactively manage your health and identify/monitor many underlying or preexisting conditions throughout your body Liver Function
Kidney Function
Muscle & Bone
Blood Cells
Heart Health | More Info | ||
Comprehensive check of your liver & kidney function, your muscle & bone health, gout, iron levels, diabetes (HbA1c), your full cholesterol profile and full blood count. It provides an excellent baseline health check. It helps you to proactively manage your health and identify/monitor many underlying or preexisting conditions throughout your body. Liver Function
Kidney Function
Muscle & Bone
Blood Cells
Fertility Hormones Profile | More Info | ||
Checks levels of important hormones related to fertility, menopause, period problems and other hormone related issues. It may identify imbalances that could impact your fertility.
Menopause Hormones Profile | More Info | ||
Checks for the important hormones needed to give information about menopause. It can also help with hormone replacement therapy monitoring, period problems and other hormone related issues. It can identify the hormonal changes expected at the onset of menopause. Thyroid Function
Male Hormones | More Info | ||
This profile checks for the full range of male hormones which is very useful for giving information about male fertility and other hormone related issues. It also covers hormones relevant to sports and testosterone supplementation. Liver Function
Erectile Dysfunction | More Info | ||
This profile checks for a range of male hormones and other health indicators which can contribute to erectile dysfunction. It includes a full cholesterol test, a test for diabetes, a check-up of both your prostate and thyroid glands, and a hormone test for prolactin and testosterone, the main sex hormone in males. Cholesterol
Sports Fitness | More Info | ||
This test is for anyone wanting information about their fitness for sports – either before starting a programme, or to monitor progress during one. It includes all the essential biomarkers that are of interest to a sports person to ensure you are operating at peak condition and includes cholesterol, inflammation, vitamins and testosterone. Liver Function
Kidney Function
Iron Studies
Muscle & Bone
Blood Cells
Sports Hormones | More Info | ||
This profile is for anyone wanting information about their hormones and related systems that may be affected by their sporting activities or supplements. Liver Function
Thyroid Function
Well Person | More Info | ||
This extensive profile is perfect for any man or woman wishing to have a full body check-up and screening for potential underlying diseases or conditions. It provides key information on your kidney, liver, heart & thyroid health and blood sugar; plus iron & calcium levels. It can tell whether you are anaemic, have a current infection and even if you are suffering from any underlying inflammation |